Syncro clutch problem

Jim Green jeg1976 at
Mon May 27 13:56:36 EDT 2002

--- Greg Smith <snufy58 at> wrote:
> Hi again everyone. Let me start off by saying thanks
> for not treating me like some other Audi groups.
> It's
> been a real pleasure. Here's the problem: pulled
> engine to install new clutch, PP, TO bearing and
> pilot
> bearing. Did not get the alignment tool when I
> bought
> all the parts (have already kicked self multiple
> times
> for this). Turns out no one has these available
> anymore. NAPA says they can special order, but will
> be
> next Friday. I used a 12mm socket on an extension to
> line up the splines and pilot bearing as best I
> could.
> Transmission input shaft will mesh with the splines
> fine but will not go into pilot bearing. Spent 5
> hours
> yesterday and 7 today on this one problem. Have
> engine
> hoist and tilt bar, and have tried every combination
> many times but can only get engine and tranny within
> about 1 inch of each other. I think I installed
> pilot
> bearing deep enough (used a Bentley). I installed
> clutch with the raised section towards tranny-is
> this
> correct? At the end of my rope here. I'm to the
> point
> that if car wasn't in friend's garage, I'd pour
> gasoline on it and strike a  match to it(friend is
> on
> vacation for the next 2 weeks-drat!)
> Any tips or suggestions? Any mechanics that make
> house
> calls?
> TIA for any and all help.

Did you check to make sure the pilot bearing was the
proper size?  I've been given the wrong one before
from Napa.  Also, I found a generic alighnment tool at
the local parts store, Checker, that has worked well
for me.  It should just slide in there if everything
is OK.


Jim Green
'89 90tq EFI

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