squeals under acceleration

amz at eskimo.com amz at eskimo.com
Tue May 28 13:17:31 EDT 2002

I, too, hear a long squeal upon acceleration ('88 5ksq).  However, it
usually only happens when the A/C is on.  In fact, the squeal will suddenly
stop when A/C is turned off.  All the belts are good and tight.

Have you checked to see if A/C is a factor?

Any ideas from anyone else about my situation?

- Andrejs

P.S.  Please cc: my e-mail in addition to the Q-List.

> --
> Throwout bearings frequently chirp prior to going into the
> squeal mode that precedes failure.
> At 10:07 AM 05/28/2002 -0400, Douglas Frank wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >
> >My A4 1.8t, with 70K miles on it, emits little (but very
> >noticable) chirps while under just moderate acceleration.  I
> >don't think it's the belts-- they're all new.  I think, but
> >am not positive, that it only happens as I engage the
> >clutch-- I haven't been able to make it happen while in
> >gear-- or else, it's just quieter.
> >
> >Could it be the clutch?  I've never heard of clutches making
> >such a noise.

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