1984 coupe gt

Jim Bonnet jimbo at sysdump.com
Wed May 29 08:50:52 EDT 2002

Thanks to all who replied on this purchase... I ended up paying $500
which I felt was reasonable.. I didn't want to rip the kid off even
though 300 was probably a more reasonable offer. What happened is he
paid $1500 for this car about 4 months ago. Right after someone ripped
off his entire stereo system busting the driver door handle, and the
brakes / tires needed replacing. He got new brakes and fluid flush and a
set of new(er, really used set)tires.. a week later the CVs went. and
the car sat for 2 months until I drove it home last night. It was his
first car and doesnt know anything about fixing them as far as I can
tell. I felt kinda bad that someone hosed him so I figured $500 was
OK..Could I write off $200 to charity? haha..

Whats wrong with the POS you may ask-

CV joints are done
Suspension is shot- no problem I would R&R all that anyway
interior is done- kinda sucks but... I'll sort it out. It needs EVERYTHING.
air conditioner shot- Id remove that anyway
good body, no bondo, no rust
motor pulls strong, all electrics work including windows and mirrors.

I got a REAL kick out of Huw's comments in email and his site that says,
  something like old AUDIS can sit for 6months and run like new. This
car did just that. no smoke, just turned over and I drove off.

I had been looking for a project and got one..

First stop, fluid change all around, cv joints, and suspension work..
That should get her safe to drive.

Thanks again!

**snipped** the thread out...

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