5000 brake problem

david rice masspirgbcc at hotmail.com
Thu May 30 05:51:33 EDT 2002

[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]

My 1988 5000 cs quattro has a strange intermittent brake problem that my local
Audi specialists can't figure out.  A couple times a month, after driving for
at least 20 minutes, one of the brakes starts going on by itself.  The brake
pedal loses pressure at the top of the push, but then becomes rock hard.  As
it gets worse, the car essentially starts to shudder as one of the brakes is
sticking.  I've turned off the anti-lock brakes, but to no avail.  Sometimes,
I can drive 5 hours with no problems.  But when it starts happening, I become
stranded.  The guys at 2Bennett in Davis,CA aren't really sure what the
problem is.  The bomb was just replaced.  Any suggestions.


Dave Rice

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