really scary engineering, twin engine idea

james accordino ssgacc at
Fri Nov 1 17:37:25 EST 2002

I "saw" in a mag. a few yrs. ago a VW Golf with twin
engines.  Both cross mounted.  The stock one and
another in the "boot".  I "think" it was labeled as
some rally variant?  Anyone else remember seeing this?

Jim Accordino

--- "Jerald S. Beer" <gsfent at> wrote:
> Mihnea
>   The concept should work. Warren Mosler, the
> originator of the
> Consulier,who is here in south Florida, has a twin
> engined Caddy
> Eldorado. It is real, I have seen it, uses 2 engines
> and 2 auto trannys.
> Can't vouch for how well it drives, but I believe
> one of the major US
> car mags ran an article on it in the last year or
> so. Stay the course!!
> Regards,
> Jerry
> 91 200qa(single I5 20vt)

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