how do accidents happen . . .

Benjamin Kaupp bkaupp at
Sat Nov 2 12:36:17 EST 2002

reminds me of an incident with my BMW 2002 and a plate glass window at
Taco Bell...
It never was very good at starting when it was only partially warm, so
i was giving it a bit of gas (okay, I had it floored) while I cranked
it. I found out the hard way that I was in 1st, hopped the curb and
managed to kill it about 2 feet from these guys inside the restaurant.
One of them dropped his taco in panic and I got about 40 oz of soda all
over the inside (including my brand new seats). But nobody was hurt,
the car was fine, and I always check my gears when I start now. Oh, and
this was with three friends in the car, in front of a bunch of the
"cool" people (read big trucks and camaros) of my high school. I didn't
live that one down for a while.

-Ben Kaupp
'87 4kcsq (she's back on the road!)
and a bunch of other things that drip things

On Saturday, November 2, 2002, at 03:39  PM, Mike Arman wrote:

> Here is why we have insurance.

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