'85 4kq starter

Pantelis Giamarellos pantg at otenet.gr
Sun Nov 3 19:50:23 EST 2002

Colin Hi,

Could I also suggest you remove the battery terminals, clean them thoroughly
and put them back in place?
Sometimes oxidation of the terminal leads to symptoms such as in your case.

Take care

P.S. I just today had a similar case with the car (a 1985 1.100 cc VW Polo)
of a friend of mine.
----- Original Message -----
From: Colin Weir <cweir at wooster.edu>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 7:07 PM
Subject: '85 4kq starter

> I went to start the car the other day only to be greeted with a
> "click click click" at the turn of the key. I initially thought the
> battery was dead since the engine didn't even try to crank. My
> research suggests that the issue is likely the starter transfer bus
> cable, which tends to deteriorate and eventually leaves you with no
> power to the starter. I was curious if people agree that this is
> likely the case. If it is this cable, should I be able to replace it
> or am I going to have to replace the whole starter?
> cheers!
> Colin

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