1993 100CS Quattro towing capacity ?

Ignace Speybrouck ignace at sympatico.ca
Sun Nov 3 23:19:15 EST 2002


I"m about to buy a 1993 100CS Quattro with the V6.

In the books I have it saids that the engine has 172 HP but feel lazy.  I
have a tent trailer that weight about 1 500 pounds once loaded, and I'M
driving long distances with the rig.

Is the car OK with such a load and is there a tow hitch for those cars that
can take the weight ?



PS I use to drive a 300TE that was heavier (400 pounds) than my future
100CS, and the Benz only had 5 more HP and felt no slug at all.  Is this
true about the 100CS ?

1985 VW Vanagon
1987 BMW 528 e
1967 Volvo 144S
1989 Mazda B2200 (junk hauler...)

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