another antifreeze question

Robert Myers robert at
Mon Nov 4 08:28:34 EST 2002

At 07:56 AM 11/4/2002 -0500, Robert M wrote:

>"Q: Does Prestone® Antifreeze/Coolant contain phosphates?
>A: Some European automobile manufacturers request that a phosphate-free
>antifreeze be used in their vehicles. This issue is related to the extremely
>high mineral content of the water in Europe. If you were to mix an
>antifreeze that contained phosphates with the type of water they have in
>Europe, it may produce deposits that can settle in the cooling system and
>promote corrosion. However, in North America we do not have this type of
>water problem.

This statement is absolute total BS and a bald faced lie!  I have lived in
areas of the US where extreme water hardness caused formation of a
precipitate when the water was frozen while making ice cubes.  Very
appealing and appetizing in a glass of iced tea.  :-(

>Typical North American coolants have contained phosphates
>(which is part of the corrosion inhibitor package) for many years.
>Therefore, the question of phosphates is a non-issue here in North America.
>Prestone® Antifreeze/Coolant is completely safe for use in both foreign and
>domestic vehicles. For those consumers who would feel more comfortable using
>a phosphate-free antifreeze, our Prestone® Extended Life 5/150
>Antifreeze/Coolant is phosphate, silicate, and borate free. This coolant
>uses a special chemistry and technology that extends the life of the
>corrosion inhibitor package so that it lasts for five years or 150,000 miles
>(whichever comes first), and is safe for all cars and light trucks (old or
>new). Prestone® Extended Life 5/150 Antifreeze/Coolant has been approved by
>General Motors under their DEX-COOL® specifications and is compatible with
>other DEX-COOL® approved coolants."
>   Comments?

Any phosphate free ethylene glycol (or propylene glycol) based antifreeze
will work quite well in an Audi.  Audi's OEM stuff is good.  It's just
about as good as any other properly constituted (read phosphate free major
brand) EG (or PG) based antifreeze.  And no better.  The difference is just
the number of shekels of profit which ends up in Audi's collective
pockets.  Use whichever antifreeze you prefer as long as it is phosphate
free - read the label.  In computer parlance, RTFM!  (The label on the
jug.)  Buy and use the least expensive stuff (which meets the minimal
requirements) that you can find at Wal-Mart or wherever.  If you are
changing brands there may be some good reason for a good flush before
refill just in case there may be some difference between the corrosion
inhibitors from brand to brand.  I doubt there will be such a difference
but caution is advised when switching brands.

  Robert L. Myers   304-574-2372
  Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA   WV tag Q SHIP
  '95 urS6  Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen    ICQ 22170244

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