CV Boot 80q

Bhatti, Mohammed Mohammed.Bhatti at
Mon Nov 4 11:28:25 EST 2002

Paul, Jim, Javad, Ed and to all those who have contributed to the archives
on this subject.


I'm almost home and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I have
the joint back on the axle and I'm trying to tighten the criclip.  I have
not been able to tighten these sufficently so I'm thinking of getting
circlips that I can screw to tighten.  I figure if I need to do maintenance
on the joint in the future, I can always use a Dremmel to remove the clips.
I'd be replacing the boots at that point anyway.  Any opinions on this?

Jim's point on using the hex head bolt to pop off the cv joint off of the
axle was execllent.  Joint comes off real easy.  On the 80q, I did not need
to remove the axle shaft as Javad pointed out.

Was able to replace the joint and boot while the axle was still in place.
Carefully cleaned everything using a couple cans of degreaser and repacked
with grease.

I used a thin screwdriver and carefully pried off the clip at the end of the

I put the cv boot on at the end of the shaft next, then the dished washers.

Put in the new clip next.

Next, I lined up the joint and used a rubber mallet to put the cv joint back
in place.

The only thing I needed to unbolt was the control arm and the strut housing
from the suspension.  I didn't need to remove the lower ball joint.  Took a
while to make sense, but thanks to good advice, I'm almost done (3'ish
days).  I checked the drivers side and looks like I have to do that side
aswell, but now that I know, I'm fairly confident that I can do that side in
a couple hours, not days.

Again, thanks to all those who replied.

88 80q
- the more I wrench on this thing, the less it scares me

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