Type 44 Blower R&R - Initiation Ceremony?

Dave Aukerman aukdav at ccsdana.net
Mon Nov 4 14:13:47 EST 2002

Last one that I did, I took the hood off the car.  So much more easier than
wedging yourself in that space.


----- Original Message -----
From: "mike mcclurg" <rrrrraudi at yahoo.com>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 1:50 PM
Subject: Type 44 Blower R&R - Initiation Ceremony?

Type 44 Blower R&R - Initiation Ceremony?

I have a lot of respect for German auto engineering,
but is this regard, I have to ask if it was
engineering or accident that allows you to just barely
remove the heater/blower assembly in a Type 44? What a
royal pain, and just to replace a blower. When the car
starts out as just a painted steel shell on the
assembly line, the heater/blower has to be the first
thing installed. Think how easy it would be at that
time to drop it in and glue the crap out of it. That
guy has got to be still laughing, thinking about the
poor SOB trying to remove it. Does anybody have a book
that gives the shop manhours to remove and replace the
assembly? I'd hate to pay dealer rates for this job!
Probably cost more than the car is worth?

At any rate, if your were ever going to start an Audi
DIY Hall of Fame, this should be a prerequisite to

Mike (the guy with skin left on only one knuckle)

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