FREE '99 A4 shell FREE A4 shell

Pedro Rodriguez pedro.w.rodriguez at
Mon Nov 4 18:51:42 EST 2002


If you are repairing a front or side hit on your A4, I have a deal for you.
I need to get rid of a 1999 A4 shell in the next day or two.  It was hit
from the rear, so it has a good nose and pillar sections.  Most of the roof
is good and the rear glass is there as well.  The right rear quarter might
be salvageable.  The nose is bare (no fenders, hood, radiator, radiator
support).  It is not a rolling chassis as it has no suspension.  Door shells
(with some damage) will be there, but some of the internals and trim pieces
will be missing.  Wiring not included.  The shell is located in Holden,
Mass.  I will hold off on calling a junk yard to haul the shell away until
Wednesday morning.



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