Fw: Type of Grease used in window regulator motors?

SJ syljay at optonline.net
Tue Nov 5 02:06:14 EST 2002


 Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the wires enter the motor on the side via
a U shaped notch at the end of the casing . .. that part just slips out of
the casing.

 The older motors were a bit different. I dont think they had the silicone
sealant. Much easier to take apart.

 I think I had a bit of trouble getting the brush assembly back on the
rotor. The brush springs didnt come out like they do on the 5k regulator
motors. During reassembly, I think I used small shims or toothpicks to hold
the brushes apart so I could slide the brush holder and brushes over the
commutator. Its one of them jobs that requires 4 hands, teeth, microscope,
and lots of light. I recall cursing a lot.

 Its been awhile since I repaired the window regulator in my old 85 4k. As I
recall, the wire cable gear was rotating around a center steel shaft. The
shaft was chromed. After coupla years of use, the chrome wears off and the
shaft starts rusting. Then the plastic gear jams on the rusted shaft.

 Cleaning and fine sanding the shaft to remove the rust will work. But the
rust problem will return in couple of years. They do make a Lithium or
aluminum based grease that prevents rusting. That  http://www.mscdirect.com/
site has some information on such special greases.

Or you can get the shaft rechromed. Not sure if that is worth it.

 I had thought of grinding off the shaft. Its attached to the regulator body
kinda like a rivet . . .flared over cup. You can then drill and tap the end,
and use a bolt and washer to attach it to the regulator body later during

You may be able to send the shaft to a plating shop. They can plate the
whole shaft without any fancy masking . .. and they can do it along with
other work that they are doing. Might not cost you much if they can do it as
part of a batch operation.

Then again, you can turn a new shaft made of Stainless Steel . .ala Huw.

85 4k - - sold but still on the road
88 5kq
90 100q

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Donald Lamond" <dlam119 at bellsouth.net>
> To: "SJ" <syljay at optonline.net>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 12:36 AM
> Subject: Re: Type of Grease used in window regulator motors?
> > After reading your description, I turned off the computer and tried
> > going to bed.  That lasted for all of two minutes.
> >
> > I'm now up and have finally gotten the little motor apart!   All this
> > time I had been trying to remove the back, thinking that the  innards
> > came out the rear of the body.    Closer inspection showed that where
> > the two wires a attached on the side could be slid forward and out comes
> > the whole of the inside.  No wonder I couldn't get the back off!
> >
> > Thanks Again,  I'll be in touch.
> >
> > Donal84 4Ks
> >

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