[V6-12v] Re: [A4] RE: [s-cars] Antifreeze ? Anything enique?

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Fri Nov 8 19:41:41 EST 2002

Oy, someone needs to switch to decaf :)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com]On Behalf Of fast928 at prodigy.net
> Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 6:08 PM
> To: Aaron; Rich Assarabowski; lucab at msn.com
> Cc: 'Igor Kessel'; 'michael schneider'; '* S List'; '*12V List'; '*A4
> List'; '*Quattro List'
> Subject: Re: [V6-12v] Re: [A4] RE: [s-cars] Antifreeze ? Anything
> enique?
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> WOW.  This is so SAD.  How hard can it be to figure out??
> Look at your frick'n car for once.  It tells you directly where
> you add the coolant.  You can't miss it.  Depending on the year
> of the car it will say on a tag at the overflow tank or it will
> actually be STAMPED into the overflow tank itself.  It's really
> not that hard.  For example...
> On my 1990 CQ there is a tag around the overflow cap.  The tag
> says "Use only Audi specified phosphate free anti-freeze
> containing ethylene glycol / G11  Available at your Audi dealer"
> This tag has a part number 000 010 007G, in case anyone wants to
> buy one an staple it to there forehead  :-)
> On my 1999 A6, STAMPED into the overflow tank is a "G12" with an
> arrow pointing into the tank.
> I suppose some dumb PO could have removed the tags (on those cars
> equipped) but it's still listed in your owner's manual.  If your
> G11 tag is missing...ORDER IT!!  I guess this just goes to show
> that nothing is foolproof!!  <RANT OFF>
> ---
> Andrew Lundy
> fast928 at prodigy.net
> 99 A6q
> 90 CQ
> 90 80q - R.I.P.
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Aaron
>   To: Rich Assarabowski
>   Cc: 'Igor Kessel' ; 'michael schneider' ; '* S List' ; '*12V
> List' ; '*A4 List' ; '*Quattro List'
>   Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 10:04 AM
>   Subject: [V6-12v] Re: [A4] RE: [s-cars] Antifreeze ? Anything enique?
>   Hi all
>   Now you have me concerned...
>   I just replaced thermo and filled 50/50 with Audi coolant P/N
> ZVW 237 GL 12 - Its pink / red
>   Any problems with this in urs6? (i wont mix - promise)
>   Thx
>   Aaron
>   Rich Assarabowski wrote:
> Point well taken, Igor.  I was referring specifically to the urS4
> whichBruce was asking about.  Bentley call for the G11 for these
> engines.Mixing G11 and G12 is a no-no.-- RichRich Assarabowski
> wrote:Bruce:Use Pentosin G001100 (popularly known as G11), it's
> the blue stuff.It's also sold at VW dealers under their Autobahn
> label.  I boughtmine at Blaufergnugen, they currently have it on
> special at 10% off.Draining procedure is outlined in Bentley
> (drain radiator, removethermostat), be sure to replace the
> thermostat O-ring with a new one.Use distilled water, not tap
> water when making your 50/50 mixture.Pretty straightforward on
> these cars.-- Rich Assarabowski   '93 S4   '83 Coupe GT   '90
> 200qIs there a  "special" antifreeze that must be used in our
> Audi's?  Mycar is a '95.5 S6. (ohne Silicates, aluminum engine
> >components, etcetera) Any BTDT with this DIY issue?  Flush
> techniques? Where to
> buy?_______________________________________________A4 mailing
> listA4 at audifans.comhttp://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/a4Rich
> ,I see that you have CC:-ed the A4 list. The colour of Pentosin
> for mostA4-s is RED! The p/n is G 012 A8 D. According to my A4
> Bentley mixingthe two  will cause a major damage to the engine.
> Bentley provides a VINcutout, somewhere in the 1996 m.y. if
> memory serves me right. Be verycareful, folks!--Igor Kesseltwo
> turbo
> quattros_______________________________________________S-CAR-List
> mailing
> listS-CAR-List at audifans.comhttp://www.audifans.com/mailman/listinf
> o/s-car-list
> --
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