Fambly Album Screen Size Issues

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sat Nov 9 14:06:56 EST 2002

Thanks, Phil.

David Ritter told me about "Big Screen" from Pitrinic, which would be OK
except I didn't want to pay an additional $30.  I could have gotten a
larger monitor with greater resolution options for that.  Darn.

Anybody know of a "free" virtual desktop program that allows scrolling a
higher resolution page?

At 12:20 PM 11/09/2002 -0500, Phil Rose wrote:
>At 9:21 AM -0500 11/9/02, Kneale Brownson wrote:
>>My ageing Win98 HP Pavilion's fancy big S70 monitor went into "whiteout"
>>mode the other day, so I found a smaller $75 (after rebate) replacement HP
>>Pavilion mx50 monitor at Circuit City.  Today, I tried the Family Album on
>>it for the first time and discovered to my great disappointment that the
>>liddle monitor has only a small selection of screen resolution options that
>>only goes to 1024 X 780, which makes reading the Family Album stuff really
>>easy, but only gives about  two thirds of the whole screen.  Is there a way
>>to "scroll" about on the FA screen?
>A smaller monitor? Sorta like installing a de-boosting chip? ;-)
>For viewing the FA on my Mac Powerbook (1024x768 max res) I use (in
>addition to "Virtual PC", of course) a utility software called "Virtual
>Desktop". That permits me to define an unlimited desktop size and to drag
>the FA program window around on it (using the mouse while holding the
>command key). It's a little clunky, but effectively equivalent to
>horizontal and vertical scrolling. There must be similar software
>available for Windows.
>Phil Rose
>Rochester, NY
>mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net

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