Drain plug crisis help!!!!!!!

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 10 05:09:00 EST 2002

No.  The old ones were steel and the cases are cast
from alloy.  You get dissimilar metal type corrosion.
I think the plastic ones will solve this issue once
and for all.  I wouldn't hesitate to you them myself.

Jim Accordino

--- CTDiesel at aol.com wrote:
> Thanks a bunch for the industrial tool
> got a set of Tamper Proof
> Torx set for 13 bucks.  and it works
> new bolts and plugs and
> things like that from the dealer are all tamper
> proof torx now.  But with the
> right tools it doesnt matter but man things
> with VW/Audi fast.
> You said the plug gets "welded" in the
case.  Did
> you mean the old metal
> plugs or the new plastic plug does?  I dont want
> put the plastic one in
> and have it melt either or cease or strip.
> Thanks again
> DJ

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