5k pierburg fuel pump instalation
Wallace White
wallace at stanfordalumni.org
Tue Nov 12 06:15:29 EST 2002
Ron -
Okay, I'll stop worrying! Sounds very similar indeed--I bet the WorldPac
photo is wrong. I'll send it to you by E-mail off-list.
'87 5kcstq 192k
Ron Wainwright wrote:
> Wallace,
> As far as I remember there were no issues with
> wiring connectors,
> the pump I ordered was part # 98172. This is for a 87
> non turbo 5ksq 2.3 NF engine not sure if it's the same
> as the turbo cars (different pressure maybe),
> other listers may now.
> But like I said it was no puzzle very straight
> forward.
> I'm looking at the instructions that came in the box
> an it goes like this,
> - empty the tank as low as you fell comfortable with
> - Disconnect ground strap
> - take cover off fuel sender
> - disconnect the hoses from the top of the unit
> - release the locking ring
> - disconnect the hoses from the underside of the
> sending unit and remove being carefull of the sender
> arm
> - remove fuel pump by uncliping the 3 tabs that hold
> the housing at the bottom of the tank.
> - remove the noise damper & fuel line from pump
> - there's a hose clamp that holds the housing to the
> pump loosen that and remove the housing downwards &
> the clamp upwards.
> And then there's an cap nut that replaces the noise
> damper, allso comes with zip ties to tie the wire to
> the fuel line, & washers for the connections. To be
> honest with you it's plug and play as far as I
> remember. But you should get instructions in the box
> as well.
> Hope this is additional help.
> Thanks
> Ron
> --- Wallace White <wallace at stanfordalumni.org> wrote:
>>Ron -
>>Glad to hear that it went smoothly--it sounded like
>>it from your post a couple
>>of months ago. But I'm still puzzled about the
>>wiring. The WorldPac photos
>>show a 2-point connector with a short harness coming
>>off the Pierburg pump. My
>>Bosch pump has two screw-down posts for the lug
>>connectors on the car's
>>I did order from your friends at Greenfield, BTW.
>>Steve quoted $220 until I
>>mentioned you'd paid $160; I wound up at $180.
>>- Wallace
>> '87 5kcstq 192k
>>P.S. Sorry I forgot that second W in your name, by
>>the way--I'm a big fan of
>>W's myself.
>>Ron Wainwright <ron_01056 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> Wallace,
>>> When I did mine there were no issues what so
>>>pump came in braket and fit in original spot no
>>>problem, connecting brakets to hold the pump in
>>>tank went onto the pump and was secure. Didn't
>>have to
>>>crimp any connectors everything fit great.
>>> Came with cap nut to replace the noise damper, 2
>>>washers, zip ties, very nice unit.
>>> For the monie it was worth it to know that at
>>>it was built in Germany!
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