to buy or not to buy...yet again

Ian Gall bh10422 at
Wed Nov 13 10:40:50 EST 2002

I'm presented with an opportunity to buy a 94 100cs quattro 5sp sedan,
pearl with black leather, 124k, seems to be in relatively good
condition...minus the pinched RR fender. Could use some new tires in
the future, but wear appears to be relatively good, the brakes do
squeek when moving, clutch feels ok. I've checked it out and done
mental comparisons to the family's other C4's and it looks pretty costs for body work would be in the 1k-1500 range.

I'm not in need of a car...but the gf is...

so should we spend the 3000 to purchase and just get her out of her 92
chewy corsica?

I'm so very tempted...even though she will make fun of me for having a
newer car :)

Lists opinion?

91 200q20v

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