
james accordino ssgacc at
Wed Nov 13 17:29:59 EST 2002

And THAT is so cool.  Like driving circles around
jackasses in "4 wheel drives" in the snow. Here in the
Pocono Mtns. of NE Pa., it's awesome comic relief.
Some of my friends think it's so "hairraising".  I
think it's kind of fun.  I can go in the snow.  NOT!
Wass a matter with your ExplorerCRVTundraYukon?  They
just don't GET it.  I'm high and lame.  I see you in
the median... "I'll call the towtruck on my cell
phone".  LOOOSER.  Nice to see Yotato is getting in on
the "new technology", though.  Hello.

Jim Accordino

--- JShadzi at wrote:
> Right, like in the new ad for the new Toyota Land
> Cruiser as its tearing up the mountain sides of Mt.
> Everest:
> "Featuring Torsen Center Diff!"
> Like its some big deal...
> Ahh, heck, my Audi 80 had that back in
> '88...cupholders, 4-wheel drive and seat heaters too
>  ;)
> Javad
> >I am surprised at how the list of cars featuring a
> Torsen somewhere in
> >its drive-train has grown (according to the Torsen
> site).
> >
> ><<>>
> whitepaper
> ><<>> corporate site
> >
> >
> >

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