Drain Plug solved!!

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 13 17:43:46 EST 2002

O.K., I agree.  BUT, now the plastic stock needs to be
probably at least 3/4 to an inch thick.  Right?  I
mean if you're going to get enough threads to seal and
enough "meat" for a wrench to grip.  You can't have an
eight of an inch of raised hexagon to grip, right?  I
also think the compounding of the plastic is an issue.
 I'm not trying to throw a wrench into a good idea,
just trying to add a bit of reason.  I really for the
life of me couldn't imagine that the new plastic plug
from the dealer would cost $35.  Is this the real
price?  Does anyone else know?  This seems almost
unbelievable to me.  Anyone?

Jim Accordino

--- Kneale Brownson <knotnook at traverse.com> wrote:
> Why couldn't you just grind/file a four or six-sided
> flat on the upper end
> to turn with a wrench?  I don't see a need to mill
> an allen-type socket
> into the plastic.
> At 03:58 PM 11/13/2002 -0800, james accordino wrote:
> >Yeah, but how to cut out the driver?  These may be
> >injection molded.  Also what about the plastic
> >compound itself.  I was a blender at a plastics
> plant
> >sr. yr. of high school cause I could read the
> chemical
> >labels and measure accurately.  You'd want
> toughness
> >obviously and some heat resistance.  I don't think
> it
> >would be so easy.
> >
> >Jim Accordino
> >
> >--- Donald Lamond <dlam119 at bellsouth.net> wrote:
> > > O.K. gentelmen; sounds like it's time to measure
> the
> > > threads on the
> > > plug, buy a die and start making our own.
> > >
> > > Delrin and other machinable plastics are
> available
> > > at quite a few
> > > industrial suppliers.  MSC,  www.Travers.com,
> maybe
> > > even Granger.
> > >
> > > Donald
> > > 84 4Ks
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
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