VW roof and insurance (NAC)
Ed Birch
edwbirch at comcast.net
Wed Nov 13 22:27:13 EST 2002
Roger M. Woodbury wrote..........
> The comment about insurance companies and body shops having or not having
> your best interest at heart is irrelevant and inappropriate<snip>I can
speak a good deal about >insurance companies, having been an independent
agency owner for quite a few years.
I believe that Insurance Companies hire adjusters to get the LOWEST repair
cost on a damaged vehicle. AFAIK, this is still the practice?
Case in point; "low life" breaks into my Mercedes Benz, screwdrivers open
the locked glove box to steal contents among other things. Car dash looks
like hell and adjuster wants me to visit a vinyl repair shop for a patchup
repair. Adjuster takes an attitude when I objected.
I told him to leave, phoned the Insurance Company for another adjuster who
arrived days later. He gave me a satisfactory repair estimate.
Now, don't get me started on body repair shops.
Ed Birch, KOP.
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