Torsen Differential and towing

james accordino ssgacc at
Thu Nov 14 15:02:21 EST 2002

I meant BEING towed.  Towing will not break the
Tors*n.  Something else in the driveline will give
long before.  Like the clutch.  Being towed is all or
nothing.  Flatbed.  No hookers.

Jim Accordino

--- Shaun Folkerts <fiatlancia at> wrote:
> To offer a second BTDT, I've towed -many- cars
> -many- thousands of miles
> (several cross-country trips towing a car and/or car
> trailer) with my
> Torsen-equipped 1989 200 quattro avant. When not
> towing cars or hauling
> (engines, transmissions, etc.) the car is driven
> fairly hard. Bought
> with 125k, currently at 184k and going
> strong...except for those damned
> electrical gremlins!
> Again, just another BTDT.
> Shaun
> Audi x2
> james accordino wrote:
> >Yes, obviously towing is an issue.  This is covered
> >with a SEVERE warning in the owners manual.  As far
> as
> >bulletproof, I can only speak from my own
> experience.
> >I am by no means easy on either the clutch or the
> loud
> >pedal and when the rear output bearing on my center
> >diff. took a crap (unrelated to the Tors*n), I
> pulled
> >it out, cleaned it off and gave it a thorough
> visual
> >inspection (FWTW), and it looks nearly new.  NO
> >visible wear (match marks, discolored metal,
> filings,
> >what have you) on the Tors*n itself.  We're talking
> >220K (not necessarily so easy) miles.
> >
> >All the more reason to
> >suggest the bulletproof nature of the Tors*n.  IF
> he
> >crapped out my tranny and the Tors*n still looked
> so
> >clean, what more info do I need?
> >
> >

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