George Butler
gwbutler at net1plus.com
Thu Nov 14 19:48:58 EST 2002
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Hello All,
I have an interesting scenario for you. Take this guy who's been working on=
his 84 4KSQ for the past several months and decides it's high time to clea=
n the engine (BTW, the engine is running fine before-hand). Said guy (let'=
s pretend it's not me) takes Castrol Super Clean (bio-degradable) in a Wind=
ex bottle, carefully sprays several areas down...waits a while, and careful=
ly hoses-off cleaning agent with water. The car is immediately started and=
comes quietly to life. Engine is run for a few minutes to (a) ensure that =
engine would start, and (b) to dry off engine. 'Guy turns car off, leaves =
for a few hours, returns, and then takes car for spin in nearby parking lot=
for literally a few minutes. 'Guy notices that over-temp indicator flicke=
rs (assumes water has gotten into wiring for now non-functioning radiator f=
an.) Engine starts to "bog-down" suddenly and loses power and guy just ma=
kes it back into driveway. Guy figures that sudden loss of power is due to=
some moisture-related electrical malady and decides to wait for problem to=
um,..dry-up. It rains for two days. Guy takes car back into parking lot =
and gets repeat of previous problem. Engine seems to get suddenly fuel-sta=
rved and guy has to rev-up engine just to limp back home in first gear. En=
gine still starts fine, still makes it into the neighboring parking lot nic=
ely, but then problem re-occurs. Guy suspects engine may be overheating (a=
lthough, temperature light no longer even flickers..although guy still hasn=
't heard fan come on). Guy starts thinking about what he'll have to be che=
cking for on the weekend. Guy kneels before the vast knowledge of the Qua=
ttro List...and waits. TIA
George B.
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