Fuel Distributor/ metering head number? Please comment.

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 16 16:17:18 EST 2002

That's what I thought, although even those prices look
low compared to what I shopped.  They were all over
$1k.  I was at Chris' over a yr. ago and bought about
20 different items, but when I looked at what he had
(at the time), everything looked like it was sitting
in a salt tank.  Worse than my original (first 140k in
Mass.) at 190-200k.  I really wanted (still do) some
nicer fuel lines, but a fresher fuel distributor
wouldn't be a bad deal either.  But not at $1k.  I
have been thinking for a while that guys who race CIS
VW's alot MUST rebuild these things?  Sleeve 'em with
stainless?  Overbore them with new o-rings?  Who
knows.  I inquired a few times, but no one answered.

Good luck with your "new" piece
Jim Accordino

--- cobram at juno.com wrote:
> Hi:
> Brand new from WorldPac $893.00
> Rebuilt from WorldPac $865.00
> Complete used (110K miles) with airbox, airmeter,
> intake boot etc. from
> Chris at ForceFive Automotive $90.00.  That's why I
> had the paranthesis
> around "new" in the original post.
> http://www.geocities.com/cobramsri/
> On Fri, 15 Nov 2002 13:56:21 -0800 (PST) james
> accordino
> <ssgacc at yahoo.com> writes:
> > If you don't mind my asking, how much did it cost?
>  I
> > thought rebuilds were over $1k.
> I'd set fire to the car for the insurance if I had
> to spend that kind of
> money on it ;-)
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