V8 Avant

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Mon Nov 18 06:30:50 EST 2002

This is Rocky Mullin's website, I
believe.  http://caliban.sf.ca.us/img/audi/v8q-avant/

At 11:18 AM 11/18/2002 +0100, Tom Nas wrote:
>Hi all,
>I'm working on compiling a second edition of a book on special-bodied
>Audis. A good example of that is the Ford/Audi V8 'Avant' hybrid running
>around somewhere in CA.
>I recall someone on the q-list putting up a web page, but can't find the
>URL. If the maker of said web page is still around, could I please:
>a. have the URL of said page?
>b. use your pics (and whatever info you have on the car) for a low-volume
>not-profit Dutch book?

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