Torsen differential

james accordino ssgacc at
Mon Nov 18 21:58:53 EST 2002

I forgot to mention that option.  Thanks.  Driveshafts
disconected works well.  Although disconnecting the
Audi driveshaft isn't THAT easy.  I flat towed my Dorf
F-250 back and forth across the country several times.
 This works well as the only wear is on the wheel
bearings and tires.  This is for long haul towing
obviously.  Use a towbar, NOT chains, ropes or
tiewraps.  Just kidding on that last line.  I don't
find many morons on this list.  LOL.

Jim Accordino

--- cobram at wrote:
> Alan Pritchard <apritchard at> writes:
> > Incidentally.... How are you supposed to tow
> torsen cars????
> Same as every other Quattro, all 4 wheels off the
> ground.  Dolly tow,
> flatbed etc.  Drive shafts can be disconnected for
> tows if there is no
> other alternative.
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