5kt prod date 04/86..... MC1?

Brady Moffatt bradym at sympatico.ca
Wed Nov 20 00:57:06 EST 2002

Hi All,

 I am looking at a 5kt automatic with a production date of 04/86 for a turbo
swap. Is this an MC1 or a KH? In all the engine charts I've found, there is
some overlap between KH and MC engines, and 04/86 is in the overlap area.
Which engine is it?


Brady Moffatt
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
86 4ksq, 298,000km
86 4ksq, 208,000km parts car
72 Datsun 240Z, 180,000 miles
92 Golf, 192,000km FOR SALE
In early stages of quattrosis accumulatus

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