
DocWyte josh_wyte at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 20 10:32:12 EST 2002

Ok, I keep hearing about compressed air.  I don't have
access to compressed air and never have.

Most people don't.  That makes drying out the engine
bay and connectors a rather large task.

Just because the car runs like crap after a thorough
dousing of the engine bay does NOT mean that there's a
problem with the car!!! Other than it's dripping wet
in the engine bay where it's not supposed to be.

Older cars, particularly in New England, don't like
having the engine power washed.

I was very careful when I cleaned the bay of my '90
Jetta 16v and used a low pressure garden hose and had
idle and starting issues for a week afterwards, even
though I dried every connection.

I stand by my claim, a dirty engine is a happy one.
As back up, go ahead and call Dick Shine at Shine
Racing Service...


--- Ben Swann <bswann at worldnet.att.net> wrote:
> Definately agree with Huw here.  I always clean the
> engine bay as a matter
> of course when I obtain a car.
> If you find the car does not run right after a good
> powerwash followed by
> compressed air drying, then be thankful you
> uncovered a problem that would
> undoubtedly occur sometime in the near future when
> conditions are not ideal
> for checking under the hood to see what is wrong.
> Ben
> [> You've just learned a valuable lesson about old
> German
> > cars.  Leave the engine bay dirty!!!
> I must respectfully disagree here... a clean engine
> bay is much easier
> to work in, to see leaks, and lets everything work
> properly.
> A grunged up engine may develop some "issues" upon
> the first major
> cleaning, but everything you have to fix should be
> done anyway - undoing
> all connectors, cleaning them, and reassembling with
> some dielectric gel
> (one at a time!).
> You'd be surprised what you can actually see under
> there after the 1/4"
> layer of grrit, grease, and grime has been
> removed...
> Huw Powell]

Josh Wyte
Momentum Motorsports
508-833-3024 After 5 pm EST

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