Reputable mechanic needed in San Diego area

Luis Felipe Patino lfpatino at
Wed Nov 20 14:21:32 EST 2002

First of all, apologies if you get this message twice -- I'm sending it
again because I tried sending it while not suscribed, which I shouldn't
have done. Coming to think of it I shouldn't have left the list in the
first place either :)

I need a mechanic for my 4kcsq, urgently, in the San Diego area. Months
ago I noticed the right front inner CV boot was cracking, and now I get
a buzzing-humming drivetrain noise apparently coming from there. The
noise depends only on wheel speed and is most audible (ha!) when my
4kcsq comes to a stop. However, I haven't tackled this and other
deferred maintenance because it is very impractical for me to acquire
and keep the great many special tools/equipment required at this point
of my life. Unfortunately, the fantastic mechanic-owner of ILT Auto,
Paco, retired early, and I never found anyone as competent, reliable,
helpful and reasonable as him.

TIA and greetings to all,


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