[s-cars] Bentley vs. other manuals

Duncan Thomson duncan at systemcontrols.co.nz
Thu Nov 21 14:25:09 EST 2002

A quick search found it's a Californian wine... 6 bucks for 4 litres...

Isn't the net (well google anyway) a wonderful thing...
Even from way over here in little ol' New Zealand we can still find out
cool stuff like this...

heh! guess I should actually be working...

> Dan-
> You lost me- what is Carlo Rossi?
> I only know Barolo, Barbaresco, Chianti and Nebbiolo.
> Taka
> t44tq at mindspring.com wrote:
> >
> > Listers-
> > Partial Audi content:
> >
> > I need some suggestions/advice on whether or not the Haynes manual
> > the VW New Beetle is worth getting or should I just get the Bentley?
> >
> > Also, the Bentley or Haynes for the A4 (B5 chassis)- the paper
> > lacks a lot of the wiring diagrams but is the CD worth getting?
> Get the Haynes if you also believe that Carlo Rossi is a fine Italian
> wine. :)

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