james accordino
ssgacc at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 20 21:31:55 EST 2002
This is not about you or Dick Shine, but I'll never
agree to that again. God willing. I worked on
horribly dirty, dripping engines, the first 10 yrs. of
wrenching and all I got was terribly extended service
times, missed problem diagnoses, dirty and hurt. Yes,
I got hurt much more often working on these filthy,
slimed up drivetrains. Clean. Only and always. With
the price of compressors as low as they are, I think
it's a fairly lame excuse for anyone who does their
own work to say, "I can't afford it." You're not
buying an alignment rack. I think if you ever had the
"pleasure" of working on a clean drivetrain with
proper air tools you'd never go back. Willingly.
My $.02
Jim Accordino
--- DocWyte <josh_wyte at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Ok, I keep hearing about compressed air. I don't
> have
> access to compressed air and never have.
> Most people don't. That makes drying out the engine
> bay and connectors a rather large task.
> Just because the car runs like crap after a thorough
> dousing of the engine bay does NOT mean that there's
> a
> problem with the car!!! Other than it's dripping wet
> in the engine bay where it's not supposed to be.
> Older cars, particularly in New England, don't like
> having the engine power washed.
> I was very careful when I cleaned the bay of my '90
> Jetta 16v and used a low pressure garden hose and
> had
> idle and starting issues for a week afterwards, even
> though I dried every connection.
> I stand by my claim, a dirty engine is a happy one.
> As back up, go ahead and call Dick Shine at Shine
> Racing Service...
> -josh
> --- Ben Swann <bswann at worldnet.att.net> wrote:
> > Definately agree with Huw here. I always clean
> the
> > engine bay as a matter
> > of course when I obtain a car.
> >
> > If you find the car does not run right after a
> good
> > powerwash followed by
> > compressed air drying, then be thankful you
> > uncovered a problem that would
> > undoubtedly occur sometime in the near future when
> > conditions are not ideal
> > for checking under the hood to see what is wrong.
> >
> > Ben
> >
> > [> You've just learned a valuable lesson about old
> > German
> > > cars. Leave the engine bay dirty!!!
> >
> > I must respectfully disagree here... a clean
> engine
> > bay is much easier
> > to work in, to see leaks, and lets everything work
> > properly.
> >
> > A grunged up engine may develop some "issues" upon
> > the first major
> > cleaning, but everything you have to fix should be
> > done anyway - undoing
> > all connectors, cleaning them, and reassembling
> with
> > some dielectric gel
> > (one at a time!).
> >
> > You'd be surprised what you can actually see under
> > there after the 1/4"
> > layer of grrit, grease, and grime has been
> > removed...
> > Huw Powell]
> >
> =====
> Josh Wyte
> Momentum Motorsports
> 508-833-3024 After 5 pm EST
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