Frozen tie rod ends and alignments

tihol_tiholov at tihol_tiholov at
Thu Nov 21 10:17:27 EST 2002

Based on recent experience with a Typ 89 and quoting Stephane Livolsi from
Adventure Motors, a mechanic extraordinaire:

"Using heat for this job is mandatory" (unless it's been done a couple of
months ago).  Good news - you don't need to touch the tie rod ends for
wheel alignment, just free the tie rods.  Bad news - they are harder to
free, because of the 4 slots where grime gets in.
Warning: on the Typ 89 ('89 90 Q) the tie rod nut - driver side - had
reveresed thread - loosening to the right.  Patience, propane torch, and a
wrench (regular or pipe) are required.  Someone pointed a hammer - DK what
to do with the hammer on the tie rods.

Good luck


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