Locked out of a 90CS

Andrew Duane USG duane at hunch.zk3.dec.com
Fri Nov 22 08:40:56 EST 2002

Hairy green toads from Mars made "Perry, Christoper (EDS)" say:

> The experience I've had owning my 89 90q is that only the dealer who has
> performed the service has records of it.  They don't seem to share (at least
> not for my era car) any data between them.  Either that or they are not
> willing to take the time to look it up.

It's that second thing. All records are computerized, and can be looked
up from any dealer, if they want to be bothered to do so. That may
or may not be true for some of the "smaller" items you have done,
but all the maintenances, warranty work, and major items are there
for the asking.


Andrew L. Duane (JOT-7)			duane at zk3.dec.com
HP/Compaq Corporation			Andrew.Duane at compaq.com
110 Spit Brook Road			Andrew.Duane at hp.com
M/S ZKO3-3/U14
Nashua, NH    03062-2698		(603)-884-1294

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