Relaying Headlights on type 44, - best place for relay?

Kent McLean kentmclean at
Fri Nov 22 09:16:59 EST 2002

rob hod wrote:
>     As I've not yet bought the relays, I'm looking for any BTDT on
>postioning just in case it has some influence on the type of relays I
>finally buy.

I bought my relayed wiring harness from BLAUfergnügen
( Expensive, but worth it
to someone who didn't have the skills (then) to roll his own.

If my memory isn't failing me, on my '89 200 TQ, the relays
were secured on the US driver's side (starboard) front fender
(wing), underneath the bumper. You remove the bumper (a
2 bolt task), drill a hole in the fender, and bolt the relays to
the fender. When you reinstall the bumper, the relays are

'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy"

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