87 4kq 5cyl, ticking noise from manifold

Cade Carvell ccarvell at nbsusa.com
Fri Nov 22 08:52:22 EST 2002

  I have been noticing as it has been getting colder in MN, that my
engine is doing a nasty ticking thing.  This lasts much longer then the
usuall minute or so, that i have seen on older cars.  My engine has only
64K miles on it, and has had the head redone by previous owner.
  Anyway this AM, I went out, started it up, and listened around the
engine.  It seems that it is not coming from the vaccum assist (side of
the head) but from the intake manifold.  I put my ear right next to it,
and that is were the sound is coming from.  To me the noise sounds like
lifters, but from were it is coming from thats not possible is it?  Can
the lifter ticking revibrate through the intake, or is there something
in the intake/attached too it, that would cause this weird issue.
  I have also noticed that the car when cold, first start, it has a
little bit of a hesitation in it, noticeable, but not bad.  But it does
start great.

  Does anyone know if I have lifters that are bad, or if there is
something that I need to replace to get rid of that awful loud noise.


Cade Carvell
National Business Systems, Inc.
2919 West Service Road
Eagan, MN 55121
Office: 651-994-4400

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