87 4kq 5cyl, ticking noise from manifold
R Mangas
porter_dog at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 24 08:40:37 EST 2002
One good trick for locating such a leak is to use standard mechanics
stethoscope with the solid bar end replaced by a piece of copper tubing.
You can bend the cu tube into all manner of entertaining shapes which will
enable you to pass it around the perimeter of the manifold and at least
_locate_ the leak.
After that though, you're on your own ;)
>From: "Cade Carvell" <ccarvell at nbsusa.com>
>To: <balakrishnan3 at attbi.com>, <quattro at audifans.com>
>Subject: RE: RE: 87 4kq 5cyl, ticking noise from manifold
>Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 14:13:36 -0600
>No not really(no smell)....How did he figure out it was a manifold leak?
> I looked around, and is almost impossible to get to this area.
>Cade Carvell
>National Business Systems, Inc.
>2919 West Service Road
>Eagan, MN 55121
>Office: 651-994-4400
> >>> "Chander Balakrishnan" <balakrishnan3 at attbi.com> 11/22/02 01:58PM
> >>>
>The ticking noise in my 87 5kcsq used to go away when the engine warmed
>but over the months the problem got progressively worse -- the noise
>louder and it did not go away when the engine warmed up. I believe
>manifold was initially closing the gap when it warmed up, but without
>tension of the studs, I believe it began to warp. I know that my
>had to fix the warp (by filing -- he said that cast iron is soft and
>be flattebned with just a file. The job was a PIA, he spent many
>getting the broken studs out + all the other studs, but it is OK now.
>you also get a smell from the hood like burnign oil or very hot
>make ? I used, but no more after the EM was fixed.
>Good luck.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com]On
>Behalf Of Cade Carvell
>Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 9:33 AM
>To: quattro at audifans.com
>Subject: Fwd: RE: 87 4kq 5cyl, ticking noise from manifold
>But would it go away when the engine was warm? I suppose if it was a
>small leak, the expansion of metal could therotecialy close the leak.
>Not a bad point.
>Cade Carvell
>National Business Systems, Inc.
>2919 West Service Road
>Eagan, MN 55121
>Office: 651-994-4400
> >>> "Chander Balakrishnan" <balakrishnan3 at attbi.com> 11/22/02 09:17AM
> >>>
>Could it be the exhaust manifold instead of intake manifold ? I had
>symptoms, it turned out that 2 studs were broken in the EM.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com]On
>Behalf Of Cade Carvell
>Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 8:52 AM
>To: quattro at audifans.com
>Subject: 87 4kq 5cyl, ticking noise from manifold
> I have been noticing as it has been getting colder in MN, that my
>engine is doing a nasty ticking thing. This lasts much longer then
>usuall minute or so, that i have seen on older cars. My engine has
>64K miles on it, and has had the head redone by previous owner.
> Anyway this AM, I went out, started it up, and listened around the
>engine. It seems that it is not coming from the vaccum assist (side
>the head) but from the intake manifold. I put my ear right next to
>and that is were the sound is coming from. To me the noise sounds
>lifters, but from were it is coming from thats not possible is it?
>the lifter ticking revibrate through the intake, or is there something
>in the intake/attached too it, that would cause this weird issue.
> I have also noticed that the car when cold, first start, it has a
>little bit of a hesitation in it, noticeable, but not bad. But it
>start great.
> Does anyone know if I have lifters that are bad, or if there is
>something that I need to replace to get rid of that awful loud noise.
>Cade Carvell
>National Business Systems, Inc.
>2919 West Service Road
>Eagan, MN 55121
>Office: 651-994-4400
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