Recirc flap

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Mon Nov 25 08:54:02 EST 2002

At 12:28 PM 11/25/2002 +0000, scott miller wrote:
>>So what are you going to do when the plastic anchoring the vacuum motor
>>breaks, Scott?
>Does "when" mean this has been tried and failed?  My next fix would be a
>self tapping screw holding the recirc flap closed, losing a little A/C
>efficiency eventually next summer.  Not a big deal in Michigan tho, I
>rarely use recirc.  My Land Cruiser is also cursed with "climate control",
>but I can manually override individual functions like that.
>How's the snow up there?

I don't recall anyone reporting before that they'd hung the spring on the
plastic attachment for the vacuum thingy, but I imagine that if the spring
ate through the original plastic bar, it'd eat through another piece of
plastic.  Audi's fix was to supply a metal replacement for the original
plastic anchor that involved trying to drill holes up in the box to attach
it.  I made a sheetmetal anchor that wrapped around the original bar that I
drilled a hole through for the spring end before I folded it over the bar
(holes through two wings that matched up after folding over the
bar).  Couple inches square of galvanized tin.

I don't know why you'd override recirculation in A/C mode.  Just making the
system work harder.  It also helps prevent fogging on those hot, wet summer
rainy days when you want cooling, I'd think.

You guys got more snow than we have.  Only snow I've seen accumulated here
is on the ski hills :~).  You're supposed to be getting several inches
today.  I could be raking up the leaves that blew off the oak trees after I
raked up the maple and aspen leaves.

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