broke a fuel line, what to do now?

pasquale pilato pasqualep99 at
Mon Nov 25 09:09:53 EST 2002

Hello all,
The victim is a 1990 100q.  The line I'm taking about
is the hard metal feed line to the fuel filter.  I
broke it right at the fitting.  What I'm wondering is
how can I fix this.  I do not think I can re-flare the
tube, that'll make the tube shorter and then I won't
be able to mount it or connect the other side.

I'm thinking I need to replace the line, but do I need
to replace the entire line?  I see at the firewall
that the metal line goes into a hard plastic line.
Can I change just the short metal part, and if so how
would I connect the hard plastic to metal push fit?
Any help would be great to all the poor guys giving me


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