CIS fuel pumps, how much HP?

JShadzi at JShadzi at
Tue Nov 26 14:28:25 EST 2002

IME, the CIS3 pump is good to 400hp safely, I just replaced my 15 year old CIS3 pump recently because I was getting some fuel cut out at 20psi and race gas (350+hp I'd say no problem, considering I have about 300 at 15psi), swapping in a S. African CIS truck (Eurovan) pump seemed to do the trick, its the same diameter as the CIS3 pump, but 1" longer, a real hog, got it at Eurospec a way back, no more cutting out.

Anyway, you can't go wrong with 2 pumps, maybe a little overkill for 350hp, just keep an eye on your fuel pressure, if it drops at max power, you know you need more pump.


>In preparation for some obscene HP, I've been
>wondering how much HP the CIS-III fuel pumps are good
>for?  I'm planning on trying for 350 hp after the
>header and new IM go in.  Should I pipe in a second
>pump in parallel just to be safe?  It's already
>sitting right there from the first stage of the
>project.  As far as the header goes, it just went to a
>new welder as the first one was just to backed up to
>do it anytime soon.  He said maybe Friday!  I can't
>wait to get my car back..
>Jim Green
>'89 90tq 034EFI, Haltech IG5
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