quattro digest, Vol 1 #4260 - 15 msgs
John Cassidy
c21john at qwest.net
Tue Nov 26 16:59:23 EST 2002
-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-request at audifans.com [SMTP:quattro-request at audifans.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 3:51 PM
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: quattro digest, Vol 1 #4260 - 15 msgs
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Today's Topics:
1. Snap-on no guarantee? (NAC) (tihol_tiholov at sd27.bc.ca)
2. RE:CIS fuel pumps, how much HP? (Dupree, Jim)
3. Re:Snap-on no guarantee? (NAC) (R Mangas)
4. RE:Snap-on no guarantee? (NAC) (David A. Templeton)
5. Looking For: BMW Part Number for UrQ Bomb Replacement (robert_a_dupree at bankone.com)
6. Saga Continues - fuel pump (David Conner)
7. Type 44 fuel pumps (John Larson)
8. RE:re. The saga continues...(was sorting out your 4kq) (Tigran Varosyan)
9. RE:Saga Continues - fuel pump (Tigran Varosyan)
10. Re:Removal of clutch slave cyl (George Selby)
11. double flaring tool kit (george mills)
12. Re:Removal of clutch slave cyl (Duncan Thomson)
13. I think I found the problem, now what? (WAS: New member with bad problem) (Tigran Varosyan)
14. RE:CIS fuel pumps, how much HP? (JShadzi at aol.com)
15. Re:Idle problem, '89 200 TQ MC2 (Lino M. Valadas)
Message: 1
To: quattro at audifans.com
From: tihol_tiholov at sd27.bc.ca
Subject: Snap-on no guarantee? (NAC)
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 11:46:36 -0800
This is a question and a mild rant:
A local Snap-on rep told me yesterday that there is no life-time guarantee
on torque wrenches, particularly the part that sets and maintains specific
torque. If used as a 2 way breaker bar - oh, yeah, that's guaranteed.
Now, that maybe so but it's funny nowadays since Canadian Tire gives
life-time guarantee on their torque wrenches (I asked specifically
yesterday) in full. I also have a Husky piece, for which I was promissed
life-time guarantee - haven't tried it yet, it still works. I haven't
heard from Snap-on yet, that's why I'd like to ask if anyone knows or has
used such guarantee from Snap-on or Husky.
BTW, he wanted $125 CDN for repair and I left him the wrench, since I
didn't ask in advance about costs thinking it was covered for life. A new
Canadian Tire one costs $92.
Message: 2
Organization: Alldata
From: "Dupree, Jim" <dupree at alldata.com>
To: "'JShadzi at aol.com'" <JShadzi at aol.com>, jeg1976 at yahoo.com,
quattro at audifans.com
Subject: RE: CIS fuel pumps, how much HP?
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 12:03:51 -0800
I would add one caveat. You can get too much fuel volume for your fuel
pressure regulator to handle at idle. Since the engine does not use much
fuel at idle most of what your pumps will be doing is recirculation the fuel
through the system and back to the tank. We ran into this on a 911 turbo
project car (428 hp on an engine dyno). MoTec fuel/ignition running 2 fuel
pumps to insure enough fuel under full load at high rpm. The fuel pressure
would creep up at idle causing and overly rich condition. We had to add a
second pressure regulator and return line to control it. Maybe we went a
little over board on fuel pump sizes but we never had a lack of fuel.
1984 4kq
1985 4kq
-----Original Message-----
From: JShadzi at aol.com [mailto:JShadzi at aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 11:28 AM
To: jeg1976 at yahoo.com; quattro at audifans.com
Subject: Re: CIS fuel pumps, how much HP?
IME, the CIS3 pump is good to 400hp safely, I just replaced my 15 year old
CIS3 pump recently because I was getting some fuel cut out at 20psi and race
gas (350+hp I'd say no problem, considering I have about 300 at 15psi),
swapping in a S. African CIS truck (Eurovan) pump seemed to do the trick,
its the same diameter as the CIS3 pump, but 1" longer, a real hog, got it at
Eurospec a way back, no more cutting out.
Anyway, you can't go wrong with 2 pumps, maybe a little overkill for 350hp,
just keep an eye on your fuel pressure, if it drops at max power, you know
you need more pump.
>In preparation for some obscene HP, I've been
>wondering how much HP the CIS-III fuel pumps are good
>for? =A0I'm planning on trying for 350 hp after the
>header and new IM go in. =A0Should I pipe in a second
>pump in parallel just to be safe? =A0It's already
>sitting right there from the first stage of the
>project. =A0As far as the header goes, it just went to a
>new welder as the first one was just to backed up to
>do it anytime soon. =A0He said maybe Friday! =A0I can't
>wait to get my car back..
>Jim Green
>'89 90tq 034EFI, Haltech IG5
>Do you Yahoo!?
>Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.
Message: 3
From: "R Mangas" <porter_dog at hotmail.com>
To: tihol_tiholov at sd27.bc.ca, quattro at audifans.com
Subject: Re: Snap-on no guarantee? (NAC)
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 15:07:19 -0500
Taken from the Snap-On Website FAQ, Canadian version:
"For SNAP-ON=AE brand torque wrenches and BLUE-POINT=AE brand meters and po=
tools, and for all other SNAP-ON=AE brand and BLUE-POINT=AE products not
specifically mentioned above, the duration of the warranty period is
supplied with the product, but in no event is the warranty period for more
than one year from the date of the original purchase."
>From: tihol_tiholov at sd27.bc.ca
>To: quattro at audifans.com
>Subject: Snap-on no guarantee? (NAC)
>Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 11:46:36 -0800
>This is a question and a mild rant:
>A local Snap-on rep told me yesterday that there is no life-time guarantee
>on torque wrenches, particularly the part that sets and maintains specific
>torque. If used as a 2 way breaker bar - oh, yeah, that's guaranteed.
>Now, that maybe so but it's funny nowadays since Canadian Tire gives
>life-time guarantee on their torque wrenches (I asked specifically
>yesterday) in full. I also have a Husky piece, for which I was promissed
>life-time guarantee - haven't tried it yet, it still works. I haven't
>heard from Snap-on yet, that's why I'd like to ask if anyone knows or has
>used such guarantee from Snap-on or Husky.
>BTW, he wanted $125 CDN for repair and I left him the wrench, since I
>didn't ask in advance about costs thinking it was covered for life. A new
>Canadian Tire one costs $92.
The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*
Message: 4
Reply-To: <davidt at opentext.com>
From: "David A. Templeton" <davidt at opentext.com>
To: <tihol_tiholov at sd27.bc.ca>, <quattro at audifans.com>
Subject: RE: Snap-on no guarantee? (NAC)
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 15:24:01 -0500
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