rear caliper woes

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at
Wed Nov 27 05:20:27 EST 2002

 I just did this last weekend I was having troubles
with my e-brake so I found that I needed to adjust the
under drive shaft directly under the e-brake is an
adjuster nut 10mm loosen that and why'll your under
there you should lube the cable ends, I had to order a
new rod and nut from the dealer cause living in
Southern Mass as well pritty much rusted the nut and
I tell you as well that it's a PITA to fit you'r hand
and stuff up in there the drive shaft is rite there so
I did it from inside.
  I forced the pin that hold the e-brake mecagnism
apart (under e-brake leaver boot), unhooked the cable
ends from under the car and pulled the rod, adjuster,&
nut from inside the car
 then it's a piece of cake put the adjuster and nut on
the rod just start the nut cause now it's easy to move
the nut to adjust the cable. Hook e-brake cables to
adjuster and
posision the rod to grab from inside the car and get
back into the car  reuse the pin that you forced out
to attatch the rod to the e-brake leaver.
 To adjust pull the e-brake leaver 3 clicks and then
tighten the rod nut snug to the adjuster.
 Allso lube everything.
 Hope this helps

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