source for Bosch connector, p/n 037 906 240

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Sat Nov 30 20:09:16 EST 2002

At 05:16 PM 11/30/2002 -0700, auditude at wrote:
>Does anyone know of a good source for the plastic connector, p/n 037 906
>240 and the little
>metal terminal ends if they do not come with it?

Except for scrap supplies, this probably is a dealer-only item.  When I've
ordered plastic connectors from a dealer in the past, the metal terminals
were separate items (for which I've never found a parts number).   I think
someone reported a while back that Audi had quit supplying the bare metal
terminals and now offered only terminals already crimped to a length of
wire.  I have no BTDT to support that report.  Sure would be nice to be
able to purchase a supply of all the different types of connectors and
metal terminals without having to rely on salvage pieces that already had
been subjected to ten years of heat cycling/corrosion exposures.

RE removing the metal terminals from the plastic connectors:  Most are held
in place by protruding wings that grip the connectors.  If you can see the
wings and press them against the terminal with a fine-pointed screwdriver,
you may be able to extract them.  I've also cut the connector material off
with a dremel-type tool.

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