pentosin substitutes revisited - verrrrrry interesting stuff

rob hod rob3 at
Wed Oct 2 00:16:59 EDT 2002

> Message: 9
> From: "Livolsi, Stephane" <Stephane.Livolsi at>
> To: Audi Quattro List <quattro at>
> Subject: FW: pentosin substitutes revisited - verrrrrry interesting stuff
> Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2002 01:13:49 -0500

> Right, except that Audi doesn't make the hydraulic systems in our car.
> have someone else (ZF for example) make them and so it is the manufacturer
> of the hydraulic system parts who specifies the requirements, not the
> manufacturer of the car.  But like you say, then the car manufacturer
> it and brands it, etc.

    Which explains the bit on the ZF site that you originally quoted;

Admittedly, under "steering systems with central hydraulic systems for cars"
it states to use the "lubricants recommended by the vehicle manufacturer"
But then again Pentosin is not even listed as an approved manufacturer
according to page 3 and 4.

    So to square the circle, ZF specify the the requirements to the
manufacturer but not us the public,  the manufacturer gets to specify a
groovy part number, a very few manufacturers get accepted as meeting the
spec and enjoy a high price for their products. The only thing that could
spoil the party is if ZF were to publish a proper list of acceptable fluids
and manufacturers, instead they refer us back to the *vehicle* manufacturer
and he recommends G002!

None of which explains why my 87 CGT with power steering only, (no two piece
pump with high pressure brake assist) needs to be running G002!

    My  (G) .002

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