Help, I broke my car :(

Huw Powell human747 at
Tue Oct 1 22:17:07 EDT 2002

> I removed the intake boot to check for cracks / holes, and clean the
> throttle body, and now the car wont start (after I put it all back
> together).
> When I turn the key it will kind of start, rev up to about 800-1000 RPM
> for about a second, then die, but continue to crank if I hold the key
> on "Start".

Sounds like you missed a hose or something and air can get into the
boot, so the air plate does not rise, and the only fuel you get is the
CSV's little shot.  There are a couple of tough hoses under that boot to
get lined up and in place.

> The oil light also comes on, even though the oil was only down to the
> bottom of the knurled section on the dipstick. Each time I check it
> after I try to start, there is oil about 6 inches up the dipstick,
> which seems odd.

normal - it gets splashed up there by the crankshaft spinning.

> 1988 90 Quattro 5 cyl 10v

Huw Powell

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