Boost controller options + solution to my low boost problem

Jim Green jeg1976 at
Fri Oct 4 14:51:38 EDT 2002

--- Marc Swanson <mswanson at> wrote:
> As some of you may know from my previous ramblings
> I've been having a
> problem where I could not seem to get over 8psi with
> a Charlie Smith
> spring.

So you have the 1.8 bar spring, with no other means of
controlling boost right?  On my car with that same
spring cranked down, I get a rock solid 15 psi of


> So now I'm in the market for some kind of external
> wastegate control and
> I thought I'd get the lists opinion on the pros and
> cons of the various
> setups out there:  manual vs. electronic, bypass vs.
> upper chamber
> pressurization (ala CIS WGFV), etc.
> I'm leaning toward the el cheapo manual setup since
> I don't think I
> really need anything more than a device to give me x
> psi over stock.

The easiest mod is just the adjustable pressure
regulator attached to the top of the wastegate
(Schrappenal Knobben, Timmerman mod...).  It simply
adds a few psi to the top to help hold the wastegate
shut so you get higher boost.  Make sure you get the
model that allows airflow in both directions so the
top wastegate chamber doesn't stay pressurized.
Although you probably won't hurt anything if it does.
The only thing I don't like with manual systems is you
get varying boost levels on cold and hot days.
Usually it's not enough to worry about though.  An
electronic system that chases a targeted boost level
will be the only way to completely eliminate this.

I've never played with the lower WG hose, but I have
been wanting to try a system that only lets boost in
when it gets to a specified level.  That way you don't
get any wastegate cracking, and faster spool up.  I'm
really curious to how much something like this will
help spool up.


Jim Green
'89 90tq 034EFI, Haltech IG5

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