Front end clunk

Zain Horning horninza at
Sat Oct 5 02:24:19 EDT 2002

If it's making a "snapping" noise then it might be a cv joint.  If the
car feels like it "hops" slightly while cornering, it's could be a worn
control arm bushing.  Over time, the bushing on the end of the control
that goes into the subframe wears.  If you put the car on a lift the
wheels will still feel tight because the stabilizer bar exerts a lot of
pressure on the control arm.  However, when you go around a corner, a
worn bushing will allow the (afflicted) wheel to move in.  The
stabilizer bar will then repeatedly kick the wheel out, making a
clunking noise.  If you have a press or vise, you can buy replacement
bushings (as opposed to buying a new control arm.

Zain Horning
<bsafe at>

Zsolt wrote:

> I have a big clunk from the front end of my 90 V8q, and we can't seem to
> find where it's coming from. Everything seem to be nice and tight, but
> when making a sharp turn it clunks so badly, my hair stands up on my
> back.

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