new window switch --> bright LED

Wallace White wallace at
Tue Oct 8 09:09:37 EDT 2002

Aaron -

LEDs do get dimmer over time. IIRC, they are rated by the amount of time
they can run before the brightness is reduced to 50% of initial. Not
sure whether the falloff is linear or what. Typical numbers are around
10k hours these days, though they might've been less when our cars were
built? Also, running excessive current shortens the life.

Let's see: I average ~35 MPH, so 10k hours would take 350k miles. I'd
better go ahead and schedule my big LED replacement in another 160k! ;)

- Wallace
   '87 5kcstq 191k

Aaron Sherrick wrote:
> I installed a new window switch in my 4kq today.  When I turned the car on I
> couldn't believe how bright the LED was.  It's so much brighter than my
> other window switches it isn't even funny.  Being that I'm pretty anal, that
> annoys the heck out of me.  So, it got me to thinking, do all of the dash
> and console LED's fade over time?  If all of my switches were illuminated as
> well as my window switch, that'd be pretty sweet.
> Aaron
> '86 4kq

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