(no subject)

scott thomas scott at dreamtheater.zzn.com
Wed Oct 9 12:40:00 EDT 2002

I just found the seams on my metal radiator are cracked they're not
leaking that bad, just enough to look wet. I definately don't like
this, however, so is resoldering it myself something that's doable?

I have a propane torch, flux, plumbers solder, and a wire brush. How
would I go about doing this?

I figure one route would be to not remove the tanks at all, just wire
the seams, flux them, them run the torch along the surface to reset
the solder. I do know to heat the metal up enough to avoid a cold
solder joint. The second route that's a little tougher is to remove
the tanks, probably by going in a U shaped, then pulling up on one
side as I go along. Clean the inside, flux it, then resolder.

Anyone btdt?

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