'85 4k overheating- clogged radiator

Ben Swann bswann at worldnet.att.net
Wed Oct 9 13:33:38 EDT 2002

I guess it's either that or the water pump.  I did perform the test you
suggest.  It did seem like something is impeding the flow.

Right now I am trying a workaround until I have 1) a radiator to replace
this one, as I busted my replacement out of frustration when I forgot to
disconnect the small line to the overflow tank and 2) time to fo a complete
timing belt job if I don't put another motor in first which is what I
wanted to do.

It's amazing the crap you run into when trying to get a neglected car back
together again.  I spent days, weeks trying to eliminate a smell I couldn't
put my finger on.  Turns out there was a giant rodents nest in the
ventilation system - Nasty!  I mean it was crammed  full.  Incredible the
squirrel cage was still blowing air.  after removal and decontamination, it
smells much better now.

Oh well, I guess you get what you pay for.


On Wednesday, October 09, 2002 10:05 AM, Lines Peter [SMTP:Peterl at Warn.com]
> I'd say you're on the right track with this clogged radiator theory.  I
> the same experience with a friend's Vanagon.  Top of the radiator was
> bottom (where the fan switch is) was cold.  The fan would never come on
> because the switch was always cold.  Running the heater helped a little.
> replaced the radiator and it definitely fixed the problem.  It was so
> clogged, we could barely force water through it with the garden hose...
> You could check your radiator flows by the garden hose test with it still
> the car, if you want.  Just drain the coolant, and stick a hose in the
> port, with the botton port open to the air.  Stuff a rag around the hose
> turn it on.  You should be able to get the full flow of a garden hose
> through without any problem...  otherwise it's clogged.  It only takes
> 1-2 hours to replace in this car and you should be able to get a new one
> about $150, I think.
> I replaced the radiator in my '86 4kq about a year ago.  Now it almost
> too cold!  In the winter I cover about half of it to keep the temp in the
> middle of the range.  This cooling system definitely works when
> is in good condition.
> Peter Lines
> CAE System Administrator, WARN Industries
> p: 503.659.8750 x4116
> c: 503.519.5745
> f: 503.786.4463
> peterl at warn.com; www.warn.com

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