Audi sales figures by model?

Huw Powell human747 at
Wed Oct 9 15:57:19 EDT 2002

> > I was wondering if you know (or know where to find
> > out) how many Audi 5000 CS Quattro Turbos were sold in
> > the USA and/or Canada in 1987. I am looking at buying
> > one to convert it into a rally car but it is no good
> > to me if it doesn't meet the minimal sales
> > requirements.
> >
> > If you can help me out, let me know.
> I recall someone posted a link on the list a long time ago that had a table
> of Audi sales in north America broken down by model.  Does anyone still
> have the link or know where such info might be?

I stole this data from audiworld (?) and reformatted it to have an
amusing graph behind it...

Huw Powell

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